

Dear animal lovers,

great, that you are visiting our website.

We will introduce you to Tatzenhilfe proTaktion on this site. We are a very active team, mainly involved in protection of cats

On this website we hope to bring you closer to animal welfare and help you to become involved. Everyone of us can do so much for animals in general and every little support is most valuable.

We are aware, that there is still a lot of effort necessary  to throw light on animal protection. Many many animal charities and lovers all over the world try to make people think more about animal protection every day – so that people become more aware and begin to see our moral obligation towards all animals and act accordingly. Cats are suffering all over the world, therefore we do not only want to be active in one country. We want to try to help where we can to make this world a better place for cats and all animals.

Everyone of us can do so much and every little bit of help is very precious. Please don´t think you cannot make a difference when faced with various and large problems which still exsist. Please don´t think " it might be too much work" or " someone else will do something" . Considering the bad conditions in which many animals have to live worldwide, no amount of help is too small and together we are stronger!

The team of Tatzenhilfe proTaktion now invites you to have a look at our website. For any questions or suggestions don´t hesitate to contact: kontakt@tatzenhilfe.de
